North East Young Lads

and Dads Project

Training Animation Series


DigiDad’s is an amazing initiative developed by the growing team at NEYLD, to develop positive parenting skills for new young Dad’s in our region. Not only do they train and support the young men aged between 15 and 25, but they create a genuine community, and that’s where the power is. We felt honoured to be selected after a long process of looking for the right digital partner, to create a series of animations for the team.

The content we developed, looks and feels like nothing else, because while covering many detailed training needs in areas ranging from holding a baby to handling nappies, we made the animations fun, accessible and absolutely on target for the audience. We developed three Dad characters, each with their baby and Mum also joined one of the characters at appropriate points. We used comic book and gaming to inspire our styling, and even the soundtrack, and we had a ball writing it, as a funny look at life as a young new Dad.

The process, considering how complex the material was over six episodes, went extremely smoothly, and we have to thank Jonah for his brilliant briefings throughout, and Kevin for his openness to the left field approach we wanted to take.

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